The purpose of our governing body is to “conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school”. The governing body is made up of 6 governors.
Chair of Governors is Phillip Beer. His contact address is Manor Wood, Red Lodge, Bury Saint Edmunds IP28 8WL.
The full governing body meets at least half -termly. If you would like to contact the governors, please do so in one of the following ways:
- Email the Chair of Governors
- Telephone the school office on 01638 790135 and leave a message asking for the Chair of Governors to call you back.
- Send an email to the school office marked “For the attention of the Chair of Governors, Strictly Private and Confidential”. The email address is
- Send a sealed letter to the school office marked, “For the attention of the Chair of Governors, Strictly Private and Confidential”.
Mr Phillip Beer
Chair of Governors
Mrs Rachael Cox
Elected Parent Governor
Mrs Laura Poynter
Elected Staff Governor
Mrs Kerry Darby
Mr Michael Langley
Elected Parent Governor
Mr Kevin Brooks
Trust Appointed Governor