Pupil Premium
The Pines Primary School will receive a Pupil Premium Grant for:
- Each child who is entitled to receive Free School Meals or who has been entitled to this at any point over the last six years;
- For any child who has been in local authority care for one day or more;
- For any child from an armed service family.
We aim for every single one of our pupil premium funded children, for whom there are no additional barriers to learning, to reach at least national expectations in all areas.
As a minimum, we want this group to at least match the level at which all non-disadvantaged pupils nationally, and within the school, achieve – both with regard to attainment and progress.
We also want the attendance of our pupil premium funded children to at least match the attendance of all non-disadvantaged pupils nationally and within the school.
For pupil premium funded children with additional barriers to learning, we want this group to at least match equivalent national outcomes with regard to attainment and progress.
We monitor those children who generate Pupil Premium funding and carefully evaluate the impact of the support they are given to ensure that funds are spent on helping them make good or better progress.
If you believe your child could qualify for this extra funding, which is invaluable throughout the school to provide us with additional support, please do let us know via the school office, or you can apply here. We would be very happy support you with the simple application process to ensure your child receives the funding to which they are entitled.